Friday, September 26, 2008


Britton is playing Cub Soccer this year!! He was very excited to start the season!! The only sad thing about it is he didn't get on the team with all his cousins but we think that is a good thing! Britton can have a chance to do it on his own and he is doing awesome! He is on the GREEN team, and I think it is the only team of all boys!! They play three boys at a time and the coach is on the field to help them! It is so funny to watch at this age because where ever the ball goes all of the players swarm to it! They are all so cute! Britton started the season running all over trying to get the ball!! He would get so tired! Then Britton learned that if he was tired all he had to do was tell his coach and she would let him sit out for a little bit! Pretty soon Brit was tired within the first three minutes!! He is so funny! Buddy doesn't like that he figured that out but what can you do! Britton scored his first two goals in his last game! I think that Buddy and I were more excited about it than he was! Buddy would tell him "Good job Brit", and he would just say "I know Dad." and walk off! Then there is Tyler! He takes his kick it (soccer ball) and dribbles up and down the sidelines as the game goes on! He even has to wear Morgans soccer shirt from last year because Britton has one on! Don't worry Buddy, I think Tyler will be more competitive at this! He seems to love it already! Tyler can't wait for next year so he can play and score goals! At least we know Britton is having fun because he enjoys going! That is all that matters! He says the best part of playing soccer is the TREAT at the end of the game! Britton is getting so big way to fast in my opinion! I wish that he could stay little forever but that is impossible! I am just glad that he decided to play soccer! Good Job BRITTON!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I cannot believe that the summer is over! This year it went by so fast! We started the summer living in one place and ended it living somewhere else!! But hey that is a good thing! I feel like the this was the busiest summer ever. Between dance and the parades and just having fun! I had tonz of fun hiking and spending time with my brother Scott. What can I say, he is my hiking buddy!! I just hope that even though it is getting colder we still spend time together! I love you Scott!! I also spent the first half of the summer in Becky's Backyard!! That was our swimming place! We had so much fun laying there and watching the kids SPLASH each other!! I love the sun and I am going to miss it!! Becky thanks for laying out with me even though we didn't do it as much as other years!! But hey, there is always next year right!! This year the kids had the best time at the new Payson Pool! We only went a couple of times but now that we live closer I am sure that we will go more next year! The cabin was a ton of fun like always! I hate that it is almost time to close it up for the winter! Britton will miss it! Buddy's sister Krissy came and stayed with us for a week!! We had a blast going for rides and playing her IPod! Soulja Boi is Tylers favorite song now and he can sing every word!! It's so funny!! Laiton and Ashlynd came down from Wyoming to pick up Krissy and stayed the weekend!! We went to kangaroo zoo and had tonz of fun! The kids were so excited to spend time with their cousins, Aunt and of course their Grandma!! We had the Johnson swim party and lots of other fun stuff!! Grandma Johnson turned 80!! We had a big birthday party for her and Age made a video! It was awesome! She was excited!! Labor day was Rainy!! But we still had a ton of fun at the Onion days celebration!! Grandma Hiatt had the BEST food as always and I swear we all ate too much!! The girls went down to the park and walked around the booths! I don't know how we got away from the kids! I loved spending time with my sisters and Mom!! All in all it was a CRAZY summer from beginning to end! I can't even remember all that we did! But it was still a BLAST!! Best part of it was the time spent with my family!! I love all of you!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, a couple of weeks ago I got a text message from McKenzie asking if I could take her to the last Owls game of the season! My first thought was, why would she ask me when her Dad loves baseball, but then I figured it was cause she likes me more than him! Ha ha Ya Right! I guess it was just cause she wanted to spend time with me! And I love spending time with her so that made it a good deal!! She invited Baylee to come and we made a girls night out of it! We left for the game a little late and we were starving! Baylee said she had never eaten at Burger King for dinner before so Kens and I thought that would be a great place to stop real quick! I got up to order and the look on both their faces was so funny! I wish I took a picture! lol Lets just say that the Wendys next door worked so much better! After a ride of eating, laughing and watching Baylee dance and sing to Hairspray we finally made it to the game! We had seats but we chose the grass so we could have more fun! After being there for an hour Kens was questioning the choice of sitting on the grass! There were two little boys that got hit with fly balls and Kens knew that she was going to be next! Luckily that didn't happen and I was proud of her for sticking it out! We had so much fun that I can't even remember who won! We played with my camera taking silly pictures of eachother! We were CRAZY!! ha ha The girls rolled down the grass and had races and I sat there and froze! But I loved watching them play!! The fireworks were awesome after the game! I thought the girls would be tired because of all of the fun that we had! But it was back to the car to watch Baylee rock out to Hairspray again!! That girl is so funny! I loved my girls night with two of the cutest girls ever! I learned so much about both of them that I didn't know before! "Don't worry girls I won't tell your parents who you like!" ha ha just kidding! Kenzie and Baylee really are best friends and I hope they will be forever! They know eachother inside and out! I had so much fun with them! I hope that we can do it again sometime! Thanks Kens for inviting me!! I know it was probably hard for you girls to hang out with your old aunt but it was a blast! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


School has started again and it's crazy how grown up everyone is getting! Morgan started the 1st grade! I was so sad to see her go all day! She says the best part of being in the first grade is eating lunch at school and also that she has tons and tons of recesses! Not to mention she is going to the same school as most of her cousins this year. Keli drove an extra 30 minutes in her commute to take Morgan to school because we had not moved yet! She is an amazing Mom! I bet now that we have moved closer she likes that we are only a couple of minutes away. Morgan chose a Hannah Montana backpack this year and she looked so cute in her PINK outfit!! Buddy and Keli, can you believe that our little peanut is in the first grade?

Britton had his first day of Pre School this morning! He was so excited to go and he looked so cute. For those of you who know Brit you know that he is very sensitive and a little emotional, so Keli didn't know what to expect when she dropped him off at school. When they got there Keli leaned down and said "Can I have a Kiss?" I guess he looked at her like oh mom and said "Maybe just a little one," that's when you know he is growing up. We worried about Brit the whole morning and when I went to pick him up he just smiled and said "Hi Stac!", his teacher said that he did an awesome job. We are so proud of him! When Keli took Britton school shopping the only thing that he would pick out was long sleeved shirts and pants. He is funny that way! He got a Kung Fu Panda backpack and Thomas tennis shoes!! He is such a cutie! I just can't believe how grown up he is.

So that leaves me and Tyler home alone in the mornings (well until baby#4 arrives)! Ty had to get a backpack like his brother and sister. He saw Elmo and wouldn't settle for anything else. Some days he will go with Keli to take the kids to school and come back and yell, "Teacher Stacy I am here!" Its so cute!! I just don't know where the time goes! I am so lucky to have a sister that will share her kids with me! They are a huge part of my life and I love them so much!! Thank you so much Keli for all that you do for me, your kids are one of the best things in my life!!


Yes, I think that I am CRAZY!! Becky called me two weeks ago and told me how no one would coach Spencer's soccer team so of course I told her that I would do it!! I forgot how much I loved the game and it has been so much fun! There are 11 boys on the team from six to seven years old!! They are a handful but I like the challenge!! Our first game was last week and we lost big time. Half of the team has never played on such a big field and they seemed to get tired fast! I noticed though that our team was having fun playing and they didn't seem to care that we lost so that is always a plus!! Our second game is tomorrow so I will let you know how that goes! I just hope that they are having as much fun as I am!